House Call

Whilst reading my copy of ‘Your Family Tree’ magazine, I came across a great resource for people with London ancestors. The David Rumsey Historical Map Collection includes an 1843 London map which you can transpose over google’s current satellite map. This would have saved me a lot of time a couple of years ago.

I don’t have many links to London in my tree. The only significant person in my tree to reside in London was George Wright PALMER and part of his family.

George was born in Portsea and his job in the Royal Navy caused him to move around a bit. For some reason, George was in London at the time of the 1871 census. He was living at 33 Marshall St with his first wife, Mary Ann and youngest son, Edward.

Palmer family in 1871 census
When I went on the hunt for this address a couple of years ago, I had to switch between windows and use educated guesses to pinpoint the locations. With Rumsey’s site, I was able to search and quickly locate Marshall St in Westminster.
Marshall Street, Westminster

Here is a photograph I took of what I believe to be 33 Marshall St (I found it the hard way but using this map overlay it was so quick and simple):

33-36 Marshall Street c2000s (no.33 in foreground)

Here is a picture I found of 33 – 36 Marshall St, taken in the 1960s (annoyingly from the opposite direction to my picture):

33-36 Marshall Street c1960s

It’s hard to say how long George and his reduced family lived at this address. Mary Ann died the next year and he married his second wife, Emily Jane FELLA in 1873. Tragically, she died just two years later.

I’m not often able to find detailed information on the houses in which my ancestors lived, which makes the details I found at British History Online even more special:

Most of these buildings […] were erected in the 1820’s by or under the supervision of Thomas Finden after the closure of Carnaby Market […]. This redevelopment was uniformly planned, small in area and scale, but forming to-day an unusually pleasant oasis for pedestrians, and offering facilities for shopping away from the through streets. There is accommodation for shop-keepers over the shops, as well as for chamber trades such as tailoring. The least altered parts are the block bounded on the west by Newburgh Street and on the south by Ganton Street, and the two pedestrian courts west of Newburgh Street—Lowndes Court and Marlborough Court.
The prevailing form was the four-storey terrace house fronted in stock brick, two windows wide with plain window-openings, and a continuous plain parapet with stone coping. The windows, most of which have their original narrow glazing-bars, have stone sills. The ground floors were built as shops from the beginning, for this was the period of the planned shopping street…
The ground floors of Nos. 33–36 Marshall Street have thin pilaster-strips and a continuous entablature; space appears to have been provided for shop-windows but, except at No. 35, these spaces have only one domestic-size window each. The ground floors of Nos. 20–22 Peter Street are similar.

(From: ‘Marshall Street Area’, Survey of London: volumes 31 and 32: St James Westminster, Part 2 (1963), pp. 196-208. via (Date accessed: 10 Jan 2010). 

[Bold font added for ease of reference]

Read 2nd part here.

Marriage Entries vs Marriage Certificates II

In 1848, George Wright PALMER married Mary Ann ALLEN in the parish church of Gillingham, Kent (St Mary Magdalene). George was a gunner in the Royal Navy and Mary was a carpenter’s daughter. Here is the certified copy of their marriage entry ordered from the GRO (click on the images to see a larger version):
George Wright PALMER and Mary Ann ALLEN marriage certificate – 1848
The next image is of the marriage entry from the Gillingham Parish Church records:
George Wright PALMER and Mary Ann ALLEN marriage entry -1848
I am lucky enough to be able to view the parish records on the Medway Council’s City Ark website. These images have been published as part of the ‘Medway Ancestors’ project, thanks to a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. If you have ancestors in the Medway district – it’s well worth a look.
Again, I now have my ancestor’s signatures, as well as that of Mary Ann’s father, William Henry ALLEN. Fortunately in this case, the certificate was an accurate copy of the actual marriage entry. You may however find otherwise. If family historians ever have the opportunity to check parish records, they should. One small transcription error can lead to years of frustration. The information gleaned from these have been known to break down ‘brick walls’ in the past.
And hey, even if the information is the same, at least you’ll have your ancestors’ signatures or marks.

Member DISconnect

When I log on to nowadays, it shows me ‘Recent Member Connect Activity’. Amongst other things, this means I’m notified when people attach records to their trees that I have also attached to mine. I think that’s actually quite a cool feature. I can now connect with people who are more likely to be family members .

The idea seems to be to make connections with possible family members, however I think it may have another useful purpose – identifying those who are NOT connected to your tree.
For example, I can see that one particular user has added two of my ALLEN census records to their own tree. One record is for William H Allen but this user has added it to a William G Allen in their tree. The same user has added an 1861 certificate to another person who I do not recognise as a member of this branch.
It is possible that this user has added these records to their tree in error – probably misreading the handwriting (Who hasn’t done that?). With this feature, we can make contact quickly and establish whether a mistake has been made so the user does not have to waste any further time, money and energy.
I must confess that I’ve let my ancestry membership lapse so I can’t actually check these tree ‘connections’. They may very well be true connections or it is possible that I am the one who is incorrect. Nevertheless, I think it is extremely helpful to find out sooner rather than later that you are barking up ‘the wrong tree’.

Wreford Death Notice 1902

While trawling through old newspapers online (loving Papers Past‘s new search features), I came upon the death of a George WREFORD in Auckland.
Otago Witness – 25 June 1902

On the day of his death (21 June 1902), the event was published almost identically in four newspapers of the time.

Mr. George Wreford, aged 48, was found dead on the road at Penrose this afternoon. He had been suffering from consumption (Evening Post [NZ], 21 June 1902).

The detail found in newspapers can be great and even this brief mention holds valuable information for the family historian – date of death, approximate year of birth, place of death and cause of death.

The Auckland City Libraries have this burial in the Otahuhu with the note, “buried 21 June 1902 Baptist, labourer, lived Onehunga, died Penrose 21 June 1902, 48 years, born Devonshire”

When I first came across this reference, I wasn’t sure if this George WREFORD was part of my bunch. I knew it wasn’t ‘my’ George WREFORD because of the age and dates given but I’m now quite sure this is my George’s son who was born 1853 in Tiverton, Devonshire.

My reasoning:

  • George and Harriet (and family) settled in Auckland and eventually died there
  • Born 25 April 1853 means he would indeed be 48 in June 1902
  • The cemetery records mention the deceased’s birth place as Devonshire

I only have one source to contradict this but I believe this ‘evidence’ combined outweighs that source (to be discussed in another post).

I have decided to post the details of the other people published in the two casualty sections referenced here. Not only because I find the detail given in old papers fascinating but in the hope that it may help any descendants who stumble across this blog in the future.

Evening Post, 21 June 1902


AUCKLAND, 20th June Mr. R. Hellaby, of the well-known firm of R. and W.Hellaby, Limited, wholesale butchers, died suddenly today.

CHRISTCHURCH, This Day. An elderly man named John Roberts was found dead in his chair at a boardinghouse last evening.

Otago Witness, 25 June 1902


Mr Hesson, of Alexandra, had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse and trap on Thursday last. While driving near the bridge at Alexandra the horses became unmanageable, and backed over ih& bank. Mr Hesson, fortunately, managed to unhitch the leader, which was saved. The other horse and trap went into the river, and were never seen again.

A young man named Daniel Berry dislocated his shoulder on Wednesday while loading a lorry in Cumberland street. He was treated at the Hospital, and afterwards was taken home.

The Western Star report that Horace Church (53), a rabbiter living at Wild Bush, is supposed to have been drowned in the Pourakino or Aparima Estuary on Sunday. He left home at 3 p.m. to go to Riverton by boat, his intention baing to attend church in the evening. Since then he has not been seen, while the boat was found on the flats, whither it had drifted. The missing man was subject to fits, and the supposition is that he may havo been seized with one and fallen into the river. Of course he may have gone somewhere, and the boat may have broken adrift. The missing man has a wife and three children.

On Saturday, 14th inst., a visitor from Kaipara, named Grey, was drowned while taking a bath at Kamo Springs, near Wliangarei. Deceased was recovering from an attack of pleurisy and congestion of the lungs, and was in a weak state. Deceased was secretary of the Kaipara Agricultural Soeiety.

A little girl named Queenie Ellison, six years of age, living in Athol place, was received at the Hospital on Friday morning suffering from severe burns about the face, caused by her clothes taking fire while her mother was attending to the washing. She is getting on satisfactorily.

George Wreford, aged 48 years, was found dead on the road at Penrose, Auckland. He had been suffering from consumption.

Mrs Eliza Hunsley, a middle-aged woman, died suddenly on the Papanui road whilst waiting for a tram. She had been suffering from heart disease.

The body of Hugh McPherson was found in the Matukituki River on Sunday night, 35th. McPherson, who was a runholder, was last seen driving a dray and two horses along the road, which follows the river bank. The dray was found on Monday night upside down, and covering the body of deceased. Death was apparently due to an accident.

Annie Griffiths, a widow, aged 65 years, was found dead in her dwelling in Wellington on Wednesday. The cause of death was failure of the heart, accelerated by exposure and alcoholism.

Thomas Dryden, supposed to be from Dunedin, who attempted to commit suicide at Invercargill on Sunday, died on Tuesday evening, 17th. from the injuries inflicted.

A very serious and painful accident befell William Bishop the engineer of the Champion dredge at Beaumont on Friday. Bishop was oiling the screen bearings, and while in a stooping position his coat was caught by the machinery. His cries at once attracted attention, but before the engine could be stopped his arm. together with all the large muscles and adhering flesh of his neck, breast, and shoulders, was torn away from his body. Dr Nowell was telephoned for, and he informs the Tuapeka Times that tliere is little hope of the unfortunate man’s recovery.

Later news says: — Bishop died on Sunday. Bishop was oiling the screen bearings, and while in a stooping position his coat was caught in the machinery. His cries at once attracted attention, but before the engine could be stopped his arm. together with all the large muscles and adhering flesh of his neck, breast, and shoulders was torn away from the body. Dr Newell did everything possible for the unfortunate man, but from the first his case was considered hopeless.

Frederick Irwin, master of the scow Hawk, was very badly crushed between two logs, and died at Auckland on Saturday.

John Roberts, an elderly man, was found dead in his chair at a boarding-house in Christchurch on Friday evening.

Wimberley, secretary of the Hot Lakes Steam Navigation Company, was found drowned in Rotorua Lake on Sunday morning.


A lad, 14 years of age, named James Bruton, whose parents reside at St. Kilda, met with so serious an accident on the Anderson’s Bay road on Saturday afternoon that he died from his injuries about two hours afterwards at the Hospital. He was in the employ of Mr Thomas Lunn, farmer, of Anderson’s Bay, aud was left in charge of a horse and trap, used for carting vegetables, outside the Bay View Hotel, Mr Lunn in the meantime going round to the back of the hotel with vegetables. The boy was told to take the horse to a drinking-trough in front of the hotel, to give the animal a drink, and it would seem that the animal took fright at something, and bolted in the direction of town. Mr Lunn was informed of the occurrence, and on going along the Anderson’s Bay road a short distance he found the lad lying on the road, apparently badly injured. An express happened to be passing at the time, and in this Bruton was taken to tbe Hospital, where he expired ehortly after admission, the immediate cause of death being a fracture of the base of the skull. The only eye-witness of the accident was Mr Thomas Smith, butcher, of South Dunedin, who states that he saw tbe boy Bruton standing on the off-side of the horse and trap, on the road, in front of the Bay View Hotel, about I o’clock. The horse started off in tho direction of town, and then turned. As it was turning, Bruton attempted to get on to the step, and in doing so he slipped and got hold of the shaft. He held on for some time, till the horse broke into a gallop, when he lost his hold, and fell between the wheels, one of which struck him on the head.

Black Sheep Sunday

Painting of Hobart Town from the New Town Road
Hobart Town from the New Town Road by J.S. Prout (1844) (source)
Carrying on from last week’s Black Sheep Sunday post. I have managed to have find some more snippets of information of my Black Sheep duo – George WHITE and Elizabeth ALLEN.
World Vital Records offered free records until the 18th (tomorrow) so I took them up on their offer. I must say, I do find the site a bit of confusing. Searches for records of specific places (such as UK, Australia and New Zealand) tend to also include the American records in the results. This may be something an experienced user can combat but for me, time is of the essence!

Tucked away in the Hobart Town Gazette of 1844 were 2 references for each of my beloved convicts.Elizabeth Allen, Margaret, to Zachary Pocock, Hobart:

newspaper clipping
Hobart Town Gazette – 8 March 1844
George White, George III., from J. & R. Meikle, Murray-street, to Thomas Allcock, Hobart Town.:
newspaper clipping
Hobart Town Gazette – 16 August 1844
George White, George the Third, by Thomas Allcock, Liverpool-street, 2 months, 21st ditto [October]:
newspaper clipping
Hobart Town Gazette – 12 November 1844

Elizabeth Allen, Margaret, by George Lewis, Restdown, 1 month, from 10th ditto [September].:

newspaper clipping
Hobart Town Gazette – 8 October 1844

These snippets refer to whose private service they entered as a passholder.

From 1840 convicts usually served an initial period of “probation” in government work gangs, before becoming “passholders” who competed in the labour market. In the context of high unemployment, this meant that thousands of serving convicts joined ticket-of-leave holders and emancipists to roam the island in search of work. The sight of these workers, who by necessity or choice often lived rough in the bush, horrified and frightened the free settlers… (Source: Van Diemen’s Land by James Boyce – found via Google Books).

Next steps:

  • Search for other issues of the Hobart Town Gazette
  • Research the employers listed for some background information