A lot of magazine articles dedicated to the subject of dating photographs, would use clues such as fashion and the model of the car to date this photograph. Fortunately, my grandmother wrote on the back of almost every photo so I can use my family tree to make the job a bit easier:
“Grandad Reid; Grandma Reid; Aunt Mona; & probably Ron; & Eric; Uncle Walter’s car”
‘Grandad and Grandma Reid’ are Alexander Gibson REID and Janet HUNTER who married in Glasgow 1886 and emigrated to New Zealand soon after. It’s quite exciting to have photographs of people who for a long time were only names on the 1871 and 1881 censuses.
‘Aunt Mona’ was mentioned in my previous post so it is also quite exciting to have a picture of her. ‘Uncle Walter’ must have been taking the photo. They married in 1925 – my grandmother and her older sister were flowergirls for their wedding – so the photo is obviously post 1925.
Eric BRUNDELL, the baby being held by ‘Grandma Reid’, was born in October 1928 which means this photograph was taken late 1928 or early 1929.
‘Grandad Reid’ died in late 1929 which to me makes this photo as poignant as the one of Ngaire (see here).
I’d love to know the make and model of ‘Uncle Walter’s car’. Any vintage car enthusiasts care to hasten a guess?