Looking for Lovell 2

I’ve recently come into possession of two helpful books with regards to with the LOVELL line I’m tracing –  The Family Tree of Major and Susanna Lovell by Josephine Tombs and The Family Tree of Daniel and Violetta Lovell by Eric Trudgill.

Although these books are mainly just a recorded lineage of the families with a few anecdotes/explanations thrown in, it has shown that my research so far has been sound and given me a few clues as to where to research next.   Unfortunately, the cover pic is NOT of Major & Susanna (photography in their day being rare of course), but rather a descendant, Patience LOVELL and her husband, Christopher SMITH (the second cover picture is of descendant, Jane MONAGHAN).

If you’re researching gypsy ancestors, it’s worth checking out whether the Romany & Traveller Family History Society has published anything on your family.

I have also just downloaded a digital copy of My Ancestors were Gypsies by Sharon Sillers Floate which has been very interesting so far.

book cover

Four Big Fat Gypsy Weddings and a Funeral

While researching gypsy ancestors, I discovered some interesting reports on local ‘gipsy’ happenings. The weddings must have been as much of a spectacle then as they are now (thanks to television programmes like ‘My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding’).

Oh, if only there were photographs!

…The bride wore a gorgeous dress of maroon plush, surmounted by an immense hat covered with waving ostrich feathers.  Her bridesmaid was attired in a costume of golden plush. The bridegroom and his friend were in velvet with vermilion neckties…

gipsy nuptials
The Leek Post, 20 Aug 1898, p8
newspaper clipping
Tamworth Herald, 23 Dec 1882, p6
gipsy wedding at windsor - newspaper clipping
Tamworth Herald, 23 Aug 1890, p6

This fourth wedding was a lot less ostentatious but nonetheless interesting:

newspaper clipping
Tamworth Herald, 27 July 1878, p4

And lastly, the funeral.  The journalist obviously thought the deceased’s death was interesting enough to write about, but apparently not enough to include her name:

gipsy funeral
The Staffordshire Sentinel, 31 Jan 1863, p2