The Baddow Elopement

Companion post for the Geneageek’s Gems podcast episode:
The Baddow Elopement

(The full story details can be heard on the podcast. This post is to illustrate places featured in the story.)

old photograph of pub on road
The Cock Inn, Boreham c1893 (via Pub History)

James and Eliza made their escape from Little Baddow on the morning of 28 September 1872. On the way to Chelmsford, they stopped at the Cock Inn at Boreham ‘for refreshment’.

clipping from newspaper with 'the Cock Inn, Boreham' highlighted
Chelmsford Chronicle, 4 October 1872

After unloading their items at Chelmsford Station, James, Eliza, and their driver Thomas Peacock, spent some time at the Fleece Inn on Duke Street.

newspaper clipping with 'the Fleece Inn, in Duke-street' highlighted
Essex Weekly News, 17 Jan 1873
The Fleece Inn (trading as the Golden Fleece), Chelmsford (via Pub History)

The map below, although drawn 20 years later than the events in 1872, shows where these places were located in relation to each other:

old map with Little Baddow, the Cock Inn, Chelmsford Station and the Fleece Inn labelled with arrows
c1893 map showing Little Baddow, the Cock Inn, Chelmsford Station, and the Fleece Inn

Unfortunately, we can no longer visit these establishments. The Cock is no longer a pub and has since become a private home. The Fleece Inn, which was situated at 84 Duke Street, was demolished by 1932. A new building was erected which now trades as the Golden Fleece.

Even the Chelmsford Station of James and Eliza’s time is no more. It was originally situated slightly to the north of where the station is today; the present building was constructed (initially) in 1885.

Cock Inn in 2021 (now a private home)
The former Cock Inn, Boreham c2021 (via Google Street View)

Listen to the episode: The Baddow Elopement

Show notes and post-show notehttp://The Baddow Elopements for this episode can be found on the podcast page.